[GCP] Why I choose Google Cloud Platform over Aws or Azure

My cloud story began with an EC2 instance of Aws Free Tier five years ago, at the first time, it's cool, it's shining, it's cheap without any infrastructure initial cost, it's easy to manage. Then I go deep dive with more components S3, Route 53, Lambda, Load balancing, Redshift to build my first cloud-based system. These days so beautiful !!!

Then my system gets bigger rapidly, it's slow down and stuck with performance issues. I remember that my EC2 instances were really slow in disk IO (40-60 MB/s) and internal network speed.

I asked myself where to go now? Switch to SSD disk? Increase instance size (burn more thousands dollar)? Migrate back to Digital Ocean? Give other cloud providers a try?

The second try with Azure does not bring any light-at-the-end-of-the-tunnel. Very high price, complicated admin dashboard which still shows everything in one page web app, poor document.

Finally,  I felt in love with GCP, it's simple, good enough, blazing fast and much cheaper, besides some pros including global fiber network, server-less compute framework, terabyte big data processing, ... It's cut off my 40% cost, increase performance (x2 to x3) on internal services.

Disclaimer: From 2016, I am GCP expert qualified by Google.